Trust for Learning was founded in 2011 by a small group of philanthropists who saw the potential to expand developmentally appropriate, play-based, whole-child early learning approaches like Montessori to serve far more children and families. Today, our staff and board support projects and investments around the country that expand ideal learning approaches in the public sector.


Trust for Learning believes that every child has unlimited potential, and ideal early learning environments unleash it. We support expansion of ideal learning programs in the public sector to reach every child, particularly those who have been historically underserved.

Racial equity statement

While Trust for Learning works to expand access and opportunity for all underserved children and families, we start with a racial equity approach because of the unique role that structural racism and anti-Blackness play in exacerbating other inequities. 

We believe…

…low-income children, children of color and indigenous children, multilingual learners, children experiencing risk or trauma, and children with diverse learning needs have limitless potential and the right to flourish.

…ideal early learning childhood environments should be racially and socioeconomically integrated, affordable, supportive of children, families, and educators, and aspire to our shared ideals as a country.

…all of us have potential and responsibility to grow and change, and philanthropy has a particular responsibility to examine and mitigate issues of power and access. We commit to continual reflection, seeking community accountability and adapting our staff, partner, and grant work to create inclusive collaborations and proactively advance more equitable experiences and outcomes for children, families, and educators.

Philanthropic partners

Our core partners support the breadth of our work and contribute annually.

We have also worked with partners in support of particular areas of our strategy or on collaborative projects.

Join the partnership!

Trust for Learning welcomes new philanthropic partners to guide and expand our efforts to make the ideal real for every child. Please reach out to set up time to talk!

  • If you are interested in partnering with Trust for Learning, please share more about your project or organization here.
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